Saturday 19 May 2012

A hard day's navvying: First loop

The first bank holiday in May saw me put the first loop around the garden down.  I'd also promised Ann I'd put smoke fluid into one of the locos.  My back was much, much better although Ann did lots of the actual track joining after I just put it down on the ground.

The plastic track joiners came in very useful during this exercise, as did the packs of track supports that I bought as we could vary the height to ensure a reasonable level track.   Achieved a simple loop with a couple of passing loops on the far side near the fence, and some sidings this side.  The flowerbed on the  right proved to be higher than I thought, so track coming off it couldn't go straight onto the decking boards which are up on bricks.  Likewise, the far end of the garden - which I knew was raised and rolling is on a par with the flowerbed.

Saturday - a hard day's work 

Chief finance office inspects the track. 

Wisp of smoke just about visible. 
Front view with more wisp of smoke.  
Finally - the video of the whole thing:


  1. Hi Chris,

    Is this layout a permanent addition to your garden?
    What is in the wagon?



  2. Last wagon has Olivia beanie - - (Ann being an Olivia fan) for the first outing when i used the smoke fluid.

    Idea is for it to be semi- permanent. I can leave it down and therefore run at fairly short notice (connect up the power and magic box of tricks - takes about 10 minutes) - since if visitors come they will probably want to play with the trains - but I can re-arrange it as I learn and plan - hence the decking etc, and I can take it up if/when we sell and move. There are lots of ideas for more permanent trackbeds - concerete, ballast, etc but this will keep me happy for now.
