Monday 11 June 2012

Rain stops track laying: Indoor time

Well, another wet weekend.
I'm now getting a bit frustrated about getting the layout sorted and running something around it.  It won't be finished by a loooooong stretch, but restoration of a running oval will at least allow me to get the train out again...

So, rain stopped play...

And this was after I'd bought supplies in, the previous weekend and my (second hand) R3 point had arrived on Saturday morning.
So, I spent Sunday going through assorted boxes - to make some sense of what I have and also looking at couplings.  I knew some needed changing - the Bachmann knuckle to the LGB hook and loop.

I also spent part of the day doing a bit of a stock take (as its one year on, and there was lots of nice stuff on Ebay ending on Sunday - none of which I won...) and in the process realised that I had LGB stock with bachmann couplings, and some had also had their buffers attacked a bit to make the Bachmann stuff fit and work.   A brand new Bachmann item was the Dogfish brewery reefer - bought in part for any children and ham fisted adults to play with, saving the more expensive LGB stuff for more trusted hands.  It's nice and bright (if big) and pictured here with the ATSF Caboose and entirely inappropriate Cambrai Engine.  

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